I typically only write about my halves or training, but it is not everyday that an organization writes a blog about your personal journey on a different level. This has happened to me. I have been blessed in my educational process to receive scholarships to help offset the cost of my schooling. I cannot thank the organizations and donors enough for their generosity, nor can I thank the people who have written my letters of recommendation, and believed in me during the times I didn't believe in myself. For me, I cannot wait to be on the donor side of the process and help others with their educational dreams.
One organization that has helped me in my schooling is the Greater Seattle Business Association. We have established that I do not live in Seattle, but this organization helps students from all over Washington State. As an older, non-traditional student I was discouraged in the scholarship process as I found that so many were for students freshly out of high school or in their 20's. Being 30 when I began my college experience, I rejoiced when I received notice from this organization that I was selected as a person of interest and needed to be willing to interview. Stumbling on my words, wondering why me compared to so many other worthy candidates, and beyond nervous, I presented to my first interview with this organization and was awarded a scholarship that year. I remember the call when I was told I would be awarded a scholarship, and that there was an awards ceremony to attend later in the month. I hung up the phone, screamed a happy scream, bounced around my living room, and maybe broke a speeding law or two on my way to class that day. I couldn't believe it! I work hard. I can always work harder. But I felt like I was old, and had nothing on the other 40+ students who were awarded that same year. I wasn't doing the huge things that many of the youth surrounding me were doing. How was I, just some single mom who spends time in the non-profit sector of her town, just as worthy? After several years, connections I have made within the organization, and growth of myself, I realize something. The GSBA sees my dream as something I truly can achieve. I have had a rough go when it has come to school. Illness, surgeries, unstable housing, and that is not counting the difficulties of being a single parent, have all plagued me. The GSBA was there to support me and believe in me, even when I was not able to do so for myself. I have seen this organization as one who supports the whole student, not just those who have the perfect 4.0. I have gotten the emails and phone calls checking up on me during times of struggle. I have made friends with other scholars. I have received encouragement in all areas of life, not just academics. I have been inducted into another family. For this, I thank them immensely and will forever feel a sense of gratitude for seeing me as a worthy investment over the years.
If you are interested in the blog by GSBA, please click here.
If you are curious about who GSBA is and how you can help support students and their dreams, please click here.
33 Days until Bloomsday
54 Days until CDA Half Marathon