Sunday, September 21, 2014

Glow Run 5k Recap

Last night I did another 5K.  This was called Glow Run, and it was similar to the Electric Run I did in August.  Chewy joined me on this adventure, and I am so glad she did.  I have been lazy, but she pushed me, reminding me that I am not so bad off as I think I am, and that Everett is coming very soon so I better get my butt into gear!

Glow Run was held in my hometown and starts in downtown.  The route was one that I do frequently with friends as it cuts through the center of town, through a university campus, and along a river.  It is a busy trail, but one that I know very well.  Yesterday was the inaugural run of this race, and so much was learned by the race officials.  There was not as much glow stuff as Electric Run, but this was also a local organization putting on a race, not a national group who travels around the country.  For their first time out, this was perfect.  Actually, I liked this one much more than Electric Run.  While there was so much more to look at during Electric Run, the course is flat and boring.  Glow Run was lacking in visual stimulation, but the path was fun and could be viewed as challenging for those on their first 5K.  Small hills, uneven terrain, bridges, narrow pathways, but it was fun because it was not flat the entire time.  I don't mind a flat half marathon, but I do like a 5K with some elevation changes. 

Chewy and I decided that we would give it our all.  We ran and walked the entire race.  I did not know how well I would hold up on the running, but I did great!  Chewy is in the middle of soccer season, so is in rather decent shape.  I, not so much, yet I still walk a fair amount regularly.  We figure that our 5Ks are going to start becoming more of a running type thing with less walking the more and more we do them.  I am excited about this.  I did not start the half marathon adventures with the intention of becoming a runner, but this is a perk. 

I am not sure that we will have any other 5Ks together this year.  I will say that Everett is in exactly 3 weeks!  I am feeling good about it, although nervous.  I have not done a half since June, and so I feel a little less prepared than I should.  This will be great for me though as it will show me where I need to improve for the Seattle a month later. 

Still taking suggestions for my birthday race :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

One Year Post First Half

September 2nd, 2014 came and went this year.  For some people, this date marked the first day of school for their children.  For others, it was just a Tuesday.  For me, this was the one year anniversary of me doing my first half marathon. 

I can remember the excitement leading up to this race, you know, for the whole four days leading up to it because I decided at the last minute to do it.  I still wear those Keens, five year old sandals with no tread left, faded coloring, and very little cushion.  If these sandals were tires, they would no longer be street legal.  I still remember the heat of the race, dreadful and humid.  But I also remember the heart:  I finish what I started, and 13.1 miles later, no matter the time, I would be a half marathoner.

One year later, five half marathons under my belt from three different states.  Shaving off time left and right.  My determination is still there, but more so than ever.  I still know that I will do a full marathon some day, but for now, the half half is the perfect distance and one I feel that I need to conquer even more!

Summer Slacking

So much going on, and so little typing.  My last half was the Seattle Rock n Roll.  My walking slowed down some due to taking some highly accelerated courses this summer, handling Chewy's softball schedule, and the blazing heat wave we had that made most days unbearable!  But I did do a couple 5Ks to keep the summer fun.

Dirty Dash 2014 was great.  I had done this race last year, in much worse shape than I am in now.  How do I know I am in better shape?  I was able to handle some of the obstacles with ease compared to last summer.  We went as a group, and joined another group as well.  Such a wonderful bit of fun for us, and a reminder to me that I am doing well to keep moving.

Electric Run 2014 was also a repeat.  I had done this race with Chewy, and we decided to go for it again.  This course is flat and easy for anyone, no training required.  The glowing surroundings were not as extravagant as last summer's display, but we still had a wonderful time.  I could see myself jogging this race in the future.  This race was the first 5K a friend of ours had ever done.  We were very proud of him and his accomplishment.  I also bought a brand new pair of shoes for myself the day of this race, using this race as a way of knowing if I liked the shoes for sure or not.  I like my shoes!

So what is on the race docket?  Glow Run is a 5K in my own town that is happening soon.  I will be taking part in this race, with or without Chewy, but I will be joined by a friend.  In addition, my half marathon schedule is starting to pick up.  I am currently registered for the Seattle Half Marathon in November.  I am also looking at doing a half in Everett in October.  I was going to do the Spokane Half in October, but they have such a small group doing the race that I do not see this as a positive experience for me.  I have learned that I enjoy the larger races.  I feed off of people around me as participants or cheering.  On another positive, the lady I met in Phoenix is doing the race in Everett, so we can meet again. 

I am also taking suggestions for a March race.  I feel that the birthday race needs to be tradition.  It was a beautiful way to honor myself, and the changing of the seasons from Winter into Spring.