Friday, December 6, 2013

Next Race, or Birthday Gift to Me

I had started thinking about my third half marathon about 6 weeks before I had even completed my second.  You see, I really love the number 3.  I like to do things in 3's.  Chewy knows that if I say "pick a number", she is wise to choose 3.  I was born in the third month.  Three is just fun to say.  With that in mind, I must do a third half marathon.  Then I started thinking...

I am 33 years old.  I have done two half marathons with 3 months between them.  It would be 3 months until my birthday following the second half marathon.  And why not give myself a birthday present such as another race.  We have established that I live in a cold part of Washington state.  Not much is being run over here, except for snowblowers during this time of the year.  I started researching races in February and March 2014, and one race stood out:  The Phoenix Marathon and Half Marathon on March 1st.  This is one week before my birthday.  It is in an area with decent weather.  It has the potential to be a great course.  The race will keep me motivated to keep walking during the frozen months of winter.  This is the perfect birthday gift to myself! 

I recognize that I lack the finances to travel the country to race.  I also fully admit that my pace is not exactly something to brag about while looking for corporate sponsors to fund my racing.  What I do have is heart, dedication, and desire.  Oh, and I have a Go Fund Me page where I am hoping that I can raise some of the money to help fund this gift to myself.  I am piecing the dollars together, and finding the cheapest options as possible.  I know I can do this, and can't wait to make it reality.

If you are curious about my fundraising page, please feel free to visit:
Happy Birthday Half Marathon

Thank you!


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