Tuesday, March 4, 2014

And the Next Race Is...

Coeur d'Alene Half Marathon is slated to be #4!  In fact, let's just be honest about other future half marathons:  Spokane Half Marathon in October, and Seattle Half Marathon is in November.  Any summer races have yet to be decided, aside from Dirty Dash and Electric Run in July and August. 

Why the CDA Half?  Remember when I mentioned I had thought about doing a half marathon after my knee surgery, and then I quit getting ready for it?  Well, this is that race.  It is time to make it mine.  I also figure that I should do something in my area.  Still not my hometown, but close enough that it does not involve travel arrangements.

My goal for this race is simple.  I want my time under 4 hours.  I will work more on my endurance and speed for the next few months.  I figure, it really is in my grasps.  With a lot of training I shaved an hour off and never found a wall in Seattle.  With very minimal training, I hit a wall and only added 4 minutes to Phoenix.  I am at that 4 hours and a few minutes mark.  My shoes fit well, and won't end up too big by May, so only a slight chance of blisters, if that.  I am in relatively decent shape and can only get better from here.  And the goal of 3:59:59 is totally attainable! 

And so we begin our countdown:  82 days...

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