This race was very different than the last two I have done. It was tiny! Such a small field of participants: full marathoners, half marathoners, and 5Kers. Just under two thousand participants total, where the other two have over 10,000. Also interesting about this race, and discouraging was that the course was an out and back. This means you go so far out on the course, and then turn around and come back the same way you came. As a half, this wasn't so bad. But the full marathoners had to do the same loop twice. Let me just say now, when the time comes for me to do a full, this will NOT be the race I will do unless the course is changed. The nice part was that my partner was joining me again for a half marathon. You will recall that we did the first one together.
We arrived to the race a little later than I had liked thanks to my lead foot and some radar gun that was unfortunately positioned in my way. I was a bit excited to head to this race. Oops! We found parking right at the starting/finish line, and got lined up ready to head out. Once again I was wearing the rainbow flag. As Idaho recently issued a stay on the verdict on the ban of same sex marriage being unconstitutional, and the case will go to court in September, I felt it was appropriate to show visibility again. Many high 5's, and words of encouragement were shared at the starting line and along the course.

As I complain a lot about this course I must admit, it really is beautiful! Most of the race is along the east edge of Lake Coeur d'Alene. Thankfully it was not so hot yet that the humidity was kept at bay. I am a total water lover, so as I was going I kept imagining myself in a kayak enjoying the water. I have done that through this area of the lake with much enjoyment. Sadly, I do not own a kayak now, and race registrations take away from the chance of owning one soon. While I do not like out and backs, this one was filled with nature that kept me engaged.

We met a lot of people along the course. The purple people were marathoners, and requested that they take a picture with us. The interesting thing is that one of the purple people knew a friend of ours who met us along the course! Small world.

I also met another woman named Linda. She has been through her own extensive journey to get to this point. Her husband, friend, and her were always neck and neck with us. Sometimes we would be ahead, and sometimes, they would pass us. Every time Linda would go to pass us, I would speed up with her. She would walk faster, as would I. She would jog, as would I. Kendra would stay and talk to her husband. This was her first half marathon, and I am so happy she is able to do them :)
As for my race, it was great! I had a pre-race meal of a banana and peanut butter which seemed to be working very well for me. I ate a banana around mile 8 as I figured I should do so as I never did eat it at mile 5 like normal. I never tortured myself with goo. I learned that HEED is a decent electrolyte drink, so long as it is not the strawberry flavor. I learned that I like going uphill compared to downhill. I learned that I could run, and run much longer than just 10 seconds at a time. I also learned that I really like a little competition. The ladies with the black pants and skirts were never going to pass me again. The other ladies that we met and were also neck and neck with were not going to pass me at the end. And when you bond with someone and see them dropping in mile 12, you don't care about your own time, you make sure they are okay because if they aren't, you are going to be carrying them across that finish line no matter what! I also learned that I get in a zone.
A friend of ours met us in mile 12. I realized how unfriendly I am when in a race. Not intentional, but I was not my normal self. I was on a mission to finish. I was focused and driven. Once I crossed the finish line, received my medal, and had a moment to relish in the moment of knowing I had completed another race, I looked at my friend and explain, "Okay, now I can be me!" Lucky for me, she understood. I never realized how much of a difference from race me and normal me there really is until now.
And for my time...I dropped more time: 3:52:33

I got under 4! I was thrilled with myself! Kendra was thrilled to have done her second race. I was thankful for everyone who was there to cheer us on. But now it was time to cheer on Linda and her crew.
I talked to the people handing out medals. They allowed me to hand Linda her's, and Kendra handed Linda's husband his. She made it! She is a half marathoner! She helped push me, and I learned that I helped push her. Some pictures of us all taken, a sharing of contact information, and a desire to do this together again was all had.

We also took pictures with the two people that were also neck and neck with us that I wasn't going to let pass at the end. They, too, wish to do this again with us. It was like we were making half marathon family as we went. As small as this race was, the energy was so high, and the support was even more grand than could ever be expected.

Stay tuned for Wednesday when I will announce my next race. If things go as I hope, and I throw caution to the wind, it might be much sooner than anyone expects.