Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tai Chi and Race Weekend

It has been an interesting month.  Lots of walking, but not much mileage counting.  I know I have done very well: walking with friends, during soccer practices, along a beach during a weekend getaway.  I cannot complain.  It has also been nice to see that spring is in full force, which also means allergies are rearing their ugly head.  So far, I have been okay.

I have been taken under the wing of a professor at a local community college.  I actually took his class many years ago as an online course, and didn't get much out of it.  He lets me sit in on his lecture class now, has talked to me about guest lecturing later this term, and really, is a generally nice person with so much knowledge!  Today I was invited to his tai chi workshop.  Well, as you should already know, I never say no to trying something new, except I will say no to jumping out of an airplane. 

Tai chi has been something I have been interested in but never tried.  Yoga was not a positive experience.  To me, I felt like I was just supposed to hold poses, breathe, and clear my mind.  I think of everything else that I could be doing, even if all I could be doing is napping.  Tai chi was just as relaxing and breathing focused, but I was continually moving.  I liked it!  A lot!  I actually found myself very centered, and could easily ignore all that was going on around me.  Considering I was in a loud student union building of an area college during a busy time, and my mind is usually always going, this says quite a bit.  I need to look into doing this more often.  I see this as a healthy self relaxation exercise that I can do anywhere.  And how it seemed to center me throughout the rest of my day was fantastic.  I didn't know what I was doing, but it felt good.  The next workshop is in a little over a week, and you can be sure that I will be there.  One thing I can say is that I am a little sore now.  I think part of that might have to do with the fact I had a massage today.  The other part I feel is that I used muscles I am always using, but in a different manner.  This is good sore though, and I suspect that by morning, I will be wanting to do some sort of exercise, but I need to rest.

This Sunday is a race for me.  Chewy is doing her longest race on her own two feet and joining me on a 12K.  She does 5Ks with ease, but wanted to try this race.  We did it back when she was 3, and I pushed her in a stroller.  Yeah, not such a grand experience.  It was fun, even if the stroller was broken and I was horribly out of shape.  Now I am in a much better place.  I am also curious how Chewy will do.  I plan to just walk her pace, and really do not care how long it takes us.  We will also have several friends joining us.  This race is known to attract 50,000 or so participants from all over the world.  I know that Chewy has been doing the training that her school offers, plus is in the world of soccer, so she will do great.  This is also a good race for me since I have my next half at the end of the month.  Or really, it will just remind me that I need to practice walking in heat more often. 

12K with Chewy and friends:  3 Days
CDA Half Marathon:  24 Days

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