Sunday, September 7, 2014

One Year Post First Half

September 2nd, 2014 came and went this year.  For some people, this date marked the first day of school for their children.  For others, it was just a Tuesday.  For me, this was the one year anniversary of me doing my first half marathon. 

I can remember the excitement leading up to this race, you know, for the whole four days leading up to it because I decided at the last minute to do it.  I still wear those Keens, five year old sandals with no tread left, faded coloring, and very little cushion.  If these sandals were tires, they would no longer be street legal.  I still remember the heat of the race, dreadful and humid.  But I also remember the heart:  I finish what I started, and 13.1 miles later, no matter the time, I would be a half marathoner.

One year later, five half marathons under my belt from three different states.  Shaving off time left and right.  My determination is still there, but more so than ever.  I still know that I will do a full marathon some day, but for now, the half half is the perfect distance and one I feel that I need to conquer even more!

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